Move the mouse and watch the numbers change!
The sheer amount of material covered in Cutting in Front of the Line was probably enough to make you think that handling the new interface events is practically impossible. Nothing could be further from the truth. The "dancing numbers" in the form above were created by just 6 lines of JavaScript code (not counting the function headers, of course):function getMove(evt) { document.forms[0].atx.value = evt.layerX; document.forms[0].aty.value = evt.layerY; return routeEvent(evt); // Just in case } function Setup() { window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); window.onMouseMove=getMove; } function TidyUp() // Called by onUnload { window.releaseEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); }Copyright ©2000 by Charles River Media, All Rights Reserved